Agile AI and Agile Healthcare Implementations with JCURV
Agile World ® is excited to be back and talking about Agile AI and Agile Healthcare with the team from JCURV about some really interesting case studies. The first part of the show is about bringing Agile practice into strategic…
1M1Q What are True Indicators of Agile Transformation?
Agile World 1 Minute 1 Question (1M1Q) answers audience questions about Agile practice. One of us asks a question about an Agile topic and the other has 1 minute on the timer to answer the question in a meaningful way….
Adam Scoot Co-host
Adam Scoot is a talented agile transformation agent and certified enterprise agile coach experienced in defining transformational change, coaching senior leaders and teams, defining, road mapping and delivering agile change, structuring, developing and improving agile teams. Experience working with Business…
Agile Transformation at News UK
Agile World is delighted to welcome the Agile Transformation Team from News UK to highlight their recent and future work with JCURV. This is very much in the context of the State of Agile Culture Report supported by the Agile…
Belinda Price Co-host
Belinda Price is a highly experienced agile coach, technical solution manager / agile senior business analyst with working experience across a number of different industries. She has delivered requirements for projects of all sizes, from small work requests through to…
Agile Transformation in Konzernen mit Christian Schwedler
In unserer neuen Podcast-Episode sprechen Ellen Duwe und Miriam Sasse mit Christian Schwedler über Agilität im Konzern. Er ist seit vielen Jahren interner Berater für Transformationsprojekte eines Großkonzerns und weiß: Es bedarf einer gewissen Ambidextrie. Diesen Weg gehen nicht alle…
Minaxi Punjabi Co-host
Minaxi Punjabi co-host and content creator for Agile World News, Agile World Publishing and volunteer at the Agile World nonprofit organisation. Minaxi Punjabi is a multifaceted, professional services leader with 16+ years of experience. She has led Agile Teams at several US Federal Agencies, established and…
Change Tactics with April K. Mills Agile World Better English S04 E04
You’re a change agent as we all are. April K. Mills shares her useful new book Change Tactics: 50 Ways Change Agents Boldly Escape the Status Quo. April will make you laugh as we discuss nukes, hugs, the Theory of…
What is Agile 2? Agile Worlds News Better English S03 E12
Agile World Better English discusses Agile 2 with authors Lisa Cooney and Philippa Fewell. Come get your burning questions answered. What is Agile 2? How has agile evolved over the past 20 years? Why should is Agile 2 important? Will…
Wicked Problems with Joanne Stone S3 E11
Agile World News Better English with our hosts Cynthia Kahn and Steve Moubray talk with “Wicked” Joanne Stone and how’s she’s applying Agility to Wicked Problems. From the moon to vaccines, learn how Wicked Problems are whipped into shape by…
Impactful Products with Jason Hall
Impactful Products with Jason Hill on the Agile World Better English with our hosts Cynthia Kahn and Steve Moubray. They discuss with Jason Impactful Products and how they affect customer’s lives. Instead of how busy we can keep people, let’s…
Agile World Better English Version Opening Act
Agile World News is expanding to multiple versions of English. The founders and original hosts, Sabrina C E Noto and Karl Smith wanted someone to aid a much larger group of English speakers engage with Agile World and asked Cynthia…