Agile World Better English Version Opening Act
Agile World News is expanding to multiple versions of English. The founders and original hosts, Sabrina C E Noto and Karl Smith wanted someone to aid a much larger group of English speakers engage with Agile World and asked Cynthia…
Agile World with Padmini Nidumolu in Gender Inclusion is a Business Imperative S3 E8
Gender Inclusion is a Business Imperative on Agile World with our hosts Sabrina C E Noto and Karl Smith talk with Padmini Nidumolu men hold 62% of management and leadership positions while women just 38%. Many companies are unaware…
Impulsando la agilidad a nivel estratégico, Serie 1, Episodio 3
Impulsando la agilidad a nivel estratégico, Agile World en Español Serie 1, Episodio 3 ¿Te has preguntado cómo llevar la agilidad a nivel estratégico?, ¿cómo trabajarla con el C-Level?, ¿qué barreras pueden presentarse en ese desafío?… Si es así, no…
Story Points are DEAD Meetup Agile World Hot Topic S3 E7
Story Points are DEAD Meetup with our hosts Sabrina C E Noto and Karl Smith talk with Mark Walsh and Cyril Costa and a host of thousands well a few who could make it about Story Points on the meetup…
2021 Agile Culture Survey
2021 Agile Culture Survey Agile world interviews the organisations behind the largest ever global report on Agile culture: JCURV, the Agile Business Consortium and Truthsayers. We dive into why the 2021 Agile Culture Survey is so important, the innovative neuroscience…