SAFe aus Entwicklersicht mit Till Klaiber
SAFe ist ein weiterverbreitetes und kontrovers diskutiertes agiles Entwicklungsframework. In dieser Folge haben Janna und Jean mit Till Klaiber einen Entwickler zu Gast, der seine Erfahrungswerte und Perspektive als Entwickler auf SAFe teilt. Wir sprechen mit Till über: Seine ersten…
1M1Q What is a Scrum Master?
Agile World 1 Minute 1 Question answers audience questions about Agile practice. One of us asks a question about an Agile topic and the other has 1 minute on the timer to answer the question in a meaningful way. It’s…
Becca Francis ADHD and Agile
Becca Francis, an enterprise agile coach discusses how she turned ADHD into her superpower! Come learn some tips and tricks for bringing your best self to any situation with Agile World Wellness. Creativity, hyperfocus, resilience, spontaneity, courage and high-energy are…
Descomplicando o Business Agility S6
Nesse episódio, Carla Krieger e Victor Patané receberam Roberto Argento, uma referência quando falamos de agilidade no nível estratégico (Business Agility)! Ele nos contou um pouco da sua história e trouxe muitas dicas essencias para agentes de transformação! Pragmatismo e…
Livro Jornada OKR na Prática
Aprenda conceitos e práticas em OKR com experiências de 42 profissionais atuantes na liderança da adoção de OKRs nos mais diversos setores do mercado brasileiro e internacional, em mais um livro da Jornada Colaborativa! O Agile World engajou nesse livro “Jornada…
Comunidades de Praticas na Pratica! S06 E01
Nesse segundo episódio do Agile World Português conversamos com 3 dos principais funders e curadores de grandes comunidades de práticas ágeis brasileiras que impactam positivamente na carreira e na vida de milhares de pessoas aqui no brasil e na américa…
Pete Anderson on Product Culture S05 E12
Pete Anderson discusses Product Culture with Ana Lobo and Steve Moubray. Come learn about his Agile Journey, whiskey and share a few laughs. We first met Pete when we stumbled across The Product Transformation Learning Content. Pete Anderson is a passionate…
Podcasters orientados a valor – S05 E11
Nesse primeiro episódio do Agile World Português conversamos com 3 dos principais podcaster brasileiros que divulgam práticas ágeis e de produtos. Entrevistados: Ibson Cabral Paulo Chiodi André Sanches #Agile_World #AgileWorld #Agile #AgileTalkShow #AgileManifiesto #AgileCoach #ScrumMaster #AgileWorldPTB Agile World Broadcast Media…
Diana Brailovsky Hypno Energizing
Join this exciting chat as we discuss the myths about hypnosis, have a few laughs and take a little journey back to your childhood. We’ll have a fun chat and then join Diana in a 10-minute Hypno Energizing Exercise. Who…
Briani Claggett, Wellness Yoga to Fortify Immunity
Come learn about wellness yoga as Briani Claggett chats with Sabrina E. Noto and Steve Moubray. You’ll love learning about Briani’s passion before she walks us through a 10-minute exercise that can be practiced at your desk, any time you…
Agile Marketing with Andrea Fryrear, S05 E07
What the heck is Agile Marketing? Andrea Fryrear discusses her agile journey and how she applied a Growth Mindset and Agile Principles to marketing in order to keep up with the needs of startups and other organizations. Andrea Fryrear is…
Linda Rising, We’re Rational, Why aren’t Those People? S05 E05
Linda Rising discusses an Agile Mindset by focusing on how WE usually believe we’re rational but other people aren’t. In this lively discussion, we go through many different aspects of learning, accepting others and differences between a fixed and “Agile…