Agile World ® News

is an initiative of Agile World ® a philanthropic 501(c)(3) Public Charity

A chat on Personal Agility

Cynthia and Sabrina find themselves on their own today, as Bel is on holiday. Both women are often asked how they juggle multiple Agile World shows, their consulting business, and their personal lives. So, today they decided to chat about…

Agile World with Adrian Payne author of Agile Beyond IT

Sabrina C E Noto and Karl A L Smith talk with Adrian Payne a project professional from the 1980’s to to present day. Author of Agile Beyond IT, Adrian looks into case studies of agile use and points out the…

Produtização do GloboPlay

No episódio touxemos o tema produtização. isso mesmo Product Management dentro do Agile World! E nada mais, nada menos do que falando da jornada da Globo como Mediatech., com uma galera incrivel! Entrevistados: Daniel Monteiro – Roberta Luzio –…

Persönlichkeits und Typentests in agilen Teams mit Richard Hossiep

Welchen Mehrwert haben eigentlich Persönlichkeits und Typentests für die Entwicklung agiler Teams? Wenn das jemand beantworten kann, dann ein Psychologe, der auch zu diesem Thema promoviert hat. Und deshalb haben unsere Co-Moderatoren Ellen und Jean in dieser Folge Dr. Richard…

What is an Agile Coach?

Cynthia, Sabrina and Bel frankly tackle the topics you should be having with an Agile Coach, but probably aren’t. Have a laugh with your coffee as they put a sassy spin yet another Agile topic. Today’s show focuses on the…

Customer eXperience na Indústria

Nesse episódio conversamos com executivos da DUTEX e descobrimos como a empresa está sempres pronta para receber ideias e transformá-las em produtos incríveis, elaborando produtos nas mais variadas aplicações em extrusão e injeção plástica, materiais metalmecânicos como perfis e peças…

Agile Transformation at News UK

Agile World is delighted to welcome the Agile Transformation Team from News UK to highlight their recent and future work with JCURV. This is very much in the context of the State of Agile Culture Report supported by the Agile…