Agile World English talk show Announcement
Agile World English show has a new co-hosts joining them, Julija Sipicina-Buhgolca Julija will bring a great dynamic to the Agile World English team. Julija has a background in marketing strategist, business trainer, university professor in marketing & management with…
Agile World Indie talks with Anurag Shrivastava
Agile World Indie talk with Anurag Shrivastava about the exciting history of Access Agile from the Agile20Reflect Festival and the commitment it takes to create two free Agile festivals in one year. He also talks about the entrepreneurial change in…
Story Points are DEAD Agile World Hot Topic S3 E6
Story Points are DEAD Agile World Hot Topic with our hosts Sabrina C E Noto and Karl Smith talk with Mark Walsh about Story Points. Insightful as always Mark describes the problem leaving our host aghast with the knowledge of…
Adaptativo como la vida misma, Agile World en Español Serie 1, Episodio 2
Adaptativo como la vida misma, Tuvimos el placer de conversar con Juan Banda, profesional de la Agilidad del hermoso país de Bolivia. Juan tiene más de 14 años de experiencia en agile y se autodefine como un Pensador Alternativo, por…
Agile World with Cynthia Kahn S3 E5
Interviewing Cynthia Kahn on Agile World with our hosts Sabrina C E Noto and Karl Smith about her Agile Journey. Interviewing Cynthia Kahn shows she applies Agile practices to deliver results more quickly and increase profits. Seasoned agile coach, scrum…
Agile World with Stuart Young S3 E4
Interviewing Stuart Young on Agile World with our hosts Sabrina C E Noto and Karl Smith about his Agile Journey. Interviewing Stuart Young during this show Stuart references a set of visual images to explain his agile journey. These images…
Agile World with Jatin Sanghavi on S3 E3
Interviewing Jatin Sanghavi on Agile World with our hosts Sabrina C E Noto and Karl Smith talking about his Agile Journey. Jatin is a result-oriented IT professional with over 15+ years of hands-on in Business/Agile Transformation, Direction, Product/Program/Project Management Consulting…
Agile World with Yury Ialtanskii S3 E2
Agile World with our hosts Sabrina C E Noto and Karl Smith interviewing Yury Ialtanskii on Agile Journey. Interviewing Yury Ialtanskii on Agile experiences from both practice and his talks at The Agile20Reflect Festival. Yury has Extensive experience with Scrum,…
Agile World with Peter Stevens on Personal Agility S3 E1
Agile World with our hosts Sabrina C E Noto and Karl Smith interviewing Peter Stevens about Personal Agility on Agile World. He is the creator of The Personal Agility System ™, the simple framework for doing more that matters. It…
Entrevistando a Alexis Hidalgo de Chile, Agile World en Español Serie 1, Episodio 1
En esta oportunidad, tuvimos el placer de conversar con Alexis Hidalgo de Chile Una persona muy agradable y experimentado profesional de la Agilidad. ¿Estás listo para sumarte a esta nueva aventura?, ¡Bienvenido a nuestro primer episodio! Te invitamos a…
Agile an Unexpected Journey Interviews
Agile an Unexpected Journey Interviews, with Mika Siitari, Grace Johnson, Craig Cockburn, Sabrina C E Noto, Evelyn Lekhtman and Karl Smith. Agile an Unexpected Journey Interviews relate to the book written by Matt Turner, Myles Hopkins, Mika Siitari, Grace Johnson,…
Agile World with Evelyn Lekhtman S2 E11
Agile World with our hosts Sabrina C E Noto and Karl Smith interviewing Evelyn Lekhtman about dealing with negative working environments and then finding exceptional ones and how people really can impact positively if they choose to. While interviewing Evelyn…