OKRs de Time
Nesse episódio recebemos Paulo Caroli, https://caroli.org/, que nos trouxe o tema OKR, onde abordamos os desafios da adoção nas organizações e aprofundamos em algumas estratégias de sucesso, como o OKR de Times. Agile World ® Português YouTube Co-hosts: Carla Krieger…
Contexto é essencial !
Nesse episódio Antonio Polo 💡 e Ronaldo Menezes, nos agraciaram com um papo super rico sobre OKRs, agilidade e seus contextos, fatores essenciais em uma transformação Ágil! Entrevistados: Antonio Polo Ronaldo Menezes Co Hosts Carla Krieger Victor Patané Agile World…
Agile World Deutsch Holakratie & OKRs kombinieren mit Andreas Hertel
Viele Unternehmen stellen sich gerade die Frage, wie sie mehr Selbstorganisation im Unternehmen ermöglichen können. Holakratie und OKRs bieten hierzu einige Lösungsansätze an. OKRs fokussieren dabei auf die Zielsteuerung und Holakratie eher auf die Organisation. Was aber nun, wenn man…
OKRs and KPIs in the wild with Anthony Coppedge S4 E9
OKRs and KPIs in the wild on Meetup with Anthony Coppedge Agile World Hot Topic with our hosts Sabrina C E Noto and Karl A L Smith. OKRs and KPIs what they are, how they work and clear up some…
OKRs for the truth about KPIs Agile World Hot Topic S4 E1
OKRs for the truth about KPIs Agile World Hot Topics with our hosts Sabrina C E Noto and Karl Smith talk with Anthony Coppedge talking about OKRs and their relationship to KPIs, metrics are mentioned and milestones and the problems…
Agile World with Padmini Nidumolu in Gender Inclusion is a Business Imperative S3 E8
Gender Inclusion is a Business Imperative on Agile World with our hosts Sabrina C E Noto and Karl Smith talk with Padmini Nidumolu https://www.linkedin.com/in/padmini-nidumolu/ men hold 62% of management and leadership positions while women just 38%. Many companies are unaware…