Agile World ® News

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Michael Turner on Agile Weight Loss S4 E11

Michael Turner on Agile Weight Loss. First he shares his agile journey from tech support to accidental product manager and briefly mentions imposter syndrome. Michael talks about how he used agile to lose 5 lbs of weight. How he broke…

Influence without Authority, Agile World Better English s04 e10

How do you influence without authority? Influence comes in many different forms and is not the same as authority. Transformation requires winning the hearts and minds of others and this is only done through creating a common vision for a…

Agilidad HR y Auto Liderazgo Temporada 1 Episodio 5

¿Cómo la agilidad puede ser incorporada en áreas de HR? ¿Qué tan necesario es el auto liderazgo en la agilidad? Te gustaría conocer más… entonces no puedes perderte esta nueva entrevista de Agile World en Español! Tuvimos la oportunidad de…

OKRs and KPIs in the wild with Anthony Coppedge S4 E9

OKRs and KPIs in the wild on Meetup with Anthony Coppedge Agile World Hot Topic with our hosts Sabrina C E Noto and Karl A L Smith. OKRs and KPIs what they are, how they work and clear up some…

Participatory Budgeting, Luke Hohmann, Agile World News Better English s04 e08

Participatory Budgeting allows students to use a real money budget and work together to create better education. Luke Hohmann joins the Agile World Better English crew to discuss the new venture, First Root, and how students across America and soon…

Agile@Home Agile World News Better English S04 E07

What is Agile@Home? Listen to Tremillia Highsmith Williams as she describes her journey of applying agile practice with her family. It doesn’t matter if you’re focused on homework, shopping or getting kids to the soccer games, Agile@Home is a practical…

Women in Agile Open Agile World Better English S04 E06

Women In Agile Open is an “un”conference like no other and is powered by open space technology. This allows the people to attend to create whatever they need for their own shared Agile Journey. While the topic of helping people…

Deepdive on Agile Mindsets Agile World Hot Topic S4 E5

Darren Thatcher deepdive on Agile Mindsets Agile World Hot Topics with our hosts Sabrina C E Noto and Karl A L Smith talk with Darren Thatcher with Deepdive on Agile Mindsets, about the complexity around agile mindsets, patterns, cognition…