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SXSW Agile World a Knowledge Culture Catalyst

SXSW Conference Agile World Agile World a Knowledge Culture Catalyst

PLEASE VOTE UP Agile World a Knowledge Culture Catalyst for the SXSW Conference on PanelPicker (requires account).

SXSW Festival Agile World

Cynthia, Sabrina, Steve and Karl are running an Agile Coaching session for anyone interested in establishing knowledge cultures in businesses and communities or new ways of working, new ways of relating to work, what work is and how it should be valued.


This panel session is focused on the diversity of Agile practice and practitioners and the concepts and implementations behind the Agile World talk show. As Agile World supports every day agile practitioners to express their knowledge and expertise the intention is to answer some prepared questions but mainly focus on the audience’s questions as a Live Agile Coaching session.

Vote for Agile World a Knowledge Culture Catalyst for the SXSW Conference on PanelPicker (requires account). 

Cynthia Khan

Wouldn’t it be awesome if we could take the essence of the agile practices we apply to software development and change our approach to business and life in general? Cynthia Kahn knows it’s possible. For over 20 years, she’s been helping software companies apply agile concepts to set goals, create action plans, and achieve the results they want. Now, she applies the same agile techniques as she coaches businesses on how to focus on what’s important, reduce overwhelm, and remain competitive.
In 2016, Cynthia co-founded GSD Mindset, an agile consultancy. GSD stands for Get Stuff Done She helps businesses clarify their objectives, then plan and build products customers love. Cynthia also co-authored the GSD Scrum Handbook and created the popular Scrum in 1 Day workshop.
Cynthia gives back to her agile community by advising to the Scrum Alliance. She speaks about all things agile to international audiences. If you’re interested in learning how she applies agile principles in her personal life to become happier, check out Cynthia’s TED talk on the TED YouTube channel


Sabrina C E Noto

Sabrina C E Noto Founder is also the co host of the Agile World English Language Show. She is an agile coach in business transformation who works with leadership and teams. She has a passion for uncovering their behaviors that allows them to be the very best they can be in the workplace.

She is also passionate about using the agile mindset in everything she does, including with her family at home. She used a Kanban approach to plan her own wedding and continues to use us one to plan her home life.

She has a track record for training and enhancing Scrum Teams in agile principles. They may or may not have a traditional waterfall background. She enables them to select methodologies to work more efficiently and continue to set expectations. She has been coaching and training using many different agile methodologies including Scrum, Kanban, ScrumBan as well as having experience in scaling agile using the LeSS framework. She regularly keep up to date with new agile ways of working and attend the scrum alliance conferences. Agile is not just a job for me it’s a passion.

She is a freelance independent contractor and has worked as an Agile Professional for companies such as Environment Agency, St Andrews Healthcare,, Shop Direct and Northumbrian Water. Typically, she has helped to facilitate the build of Big Data, Data Warehousing and Cloud based initiatives with both permanent, contractor and third party Agile members.


Steve Moubray

Steve is a Lean-Agile Coach with a passion for Community Building and the Meetup I’m honored to host, Agile Coaching DC, just celebrated our 5-year anniversary and 2,000 members. With over 20+ years of experience in all different levels from the mailroom to the boardroom. My main focus the past few years has been helping organizations embrace Agility through Lean Portfolio Management, Program Management, launching Agile Release Trains (ARTs) and helping to create Lean Agile Centers of Excellence.

Bringing people together is one of my passions and I host a large and successful Meetup which has celebrated our 5 year anniversary and love seeing all the smiles and happy faces. I was also the co-chair for celebrating the 20th anniversary of the Agile Manifesto in the DC Metro area.

Growing and coaching new leaders is important to me and when I heard needed hosting a new website, I pulled some friends together and we delivered.



Karl Smith

Karl Smith Founder and co host of the Agile World English Language Show. He is fairly eclectic in his engagement with work and the wide skills he has developed over the years. His educational background includes a Social Sciences including Psychology and Social Anthropology, Industrial and Craft Design, Education and Enterprise Computer Science. He has been recognised for his eminence in Human Centered Design and Business Leadership by the British Computer Society with a Fellowship (FBCS). Karl is dedicated to finding solutions to everyday human problems and would not describe himself as a technologist. He has invented several research methodologies now in common use including Ethnographics as a short form version of Ethnography but for contextual usability. He has also invented Artificial Intelligence and Twin Blockchain technologies for the UbiNET Platform a ubiquitous platform and system to deliver Smart Living, for humanity.

Karl is a technology key opinion leader (KOL) with a focus on ecosystems in infrastructures and has been involved in the 5G Forum since 2016. His blog has been going since 2001 and averages 4,400,000 to 4,800,000 views a year, he has over 22,000 followers on LinkedIn, 40,000 on Twitter. Karl was a volunteer in support of the recent Agile20Reflect Festival taking overarching responsibility for technology as CTO to upskill other volunteers and do the lift and shift from the old to the new web presence. Karl is a qualified High School Teacher and utilises key learning techniques in his corporate work. He also has over twenty years experience in Youth Work, Counselling and has been involved in delivering Aid.

Education is very close to my heart, through education and training people begin to envision themselves to be more than anyone thought they could be including themselves.

Karl has published several books including, Designing for Human Experience, a short guide to Agile Transformation and been one of ten Authors on Agile an Unexpected Journey. He is currently working on several other books including a short guide to Customer Experience, a short guide to Human Stagnation 1920 to 2020 100 years of stasis and a short guide to Agile World the untold story He has always been fascinated by how technology can augment the lives of humans;

My desire was not to build things that humans already do but to find out how technology could evolve our human experience.



Agile World © 2021 Broadcast Media

Agile World has been born out of a new movement in Agile. It is focused towards people being part of a global community. It is about Agile in all its different flavours being a benefit to humanity in every area of life.