Agile World ® News

is an initiative of Agile World ® a philanthropic 501(c)(3) Public Charity

Agile World Français entrevue avec Francis Laleman

Connaissez-vous le rapport entre une cour de récréation et l’agilité? Pour Francis Laleman, tout part de la complémentarité entre curiosité et ouverture. C’est le moment où on cesse d’être sûr, dit-il; le moment où l’on décide d’embrasser l’incertitude. C’est ainsi…

Porque os agilistas sempre sorriem

Neste episódio buscamos entender algumas caraterísticas comuns aos agilitas, o que nos levou a questão de “Porque os agilistas sempre sorriem!”. Com a ajuda de nossa convidada, em um papo super bem humorado, investigamos respostas para esta questão “primordial”. Ficou…

Marc Danziger Leaders as Coaches

Should knowledge workers be coached or managed? Marc Danziger joins Agile World to discuss the new leadership technique of coaching. We often hear about Empowered Teams but still see people being micromanaged. Marc brings a frank and refreshing style to…

Holokratie und Unternehmenskultur im Startup?! Interview mit Robin Roschlau

🚀 Hast Du Dir schon mal die Fragen gestellt, wie Holokratie im Startup Umfeld gelebt wird und gelingt? Welche Voraussetzungen eine Gruppe von Menschen braucht, um holokratisch arbeiten zu können? Welche Erfolgsgeheimnisse es dabei gibt? Wie Entscheidungen in einem holokratisch-geführten…

Rocío Briceño Social Impact Agile

Rocío Briceño joins Agile World to chat about how Agility can solve social issues around the world. Social Impact Agile is a movement founded by Rocío Briceño with active participation by Alistair Cockburn and Gerardo Blizter. Learn while having fun…

Agile World Français entrevue avec Émilie de Carufel

Émilie de Carufel et l’art de challenger le statu quo. Elle est coach en innovation, alias gestionnaire de projet et sa première rencontre avec l’agilité fut…intéressante mais tiraillante. Enfin une nouvelle façon de faire évoluer les projets mais pourquoi tant…

Comece pelas pessoas

Neste episodio tivemos a oportunidade de trazer a escritora, psicóloga e agilista Ligia Pinheiro que nos brindou com uma visão da importância das pessoas em todo o contexto do trabalho, como isso impacta o ambiente de trabalho dentro das instituições…

Visual Scribe at Work

If “A picture is worth 1,000 words”, why do we spend so much time writing transcriptions and taking notes? Come join Ashanti Gardner in a fun-filled episode as we introduce the concepts of Graphic Recording. Ashanti Gardner’s amazing work…

Kathy G. Berkidge Mindful Agility

We often hear, “Agile is a Mindset” but rarely do we define it. Kathy G. Berkidge discusses Mindfulness and how to help teams achieve greatness through being Mindful. On YouTube On Vimeo #Agile_World #AgileWorld #AgileWellness #Mindset Wellness Agile World…

Navegando no Mar da Agilidade

Neste Episodio o trazemos o CFO da multinacional ZEISS Vision Care para contar como a sua experiência no uso de métodos ágeis impactou a forma como a ZEISS performa em suas entregas e também dar um overview e como suas…

Agile World Indie talks with Anurag Shrivastava

Agile World Indie talk with Anurag Shrivastava about the exciting history of Access Agile from the Agile20Reflect Festival and the commitment it takes to create two free Agile festivals in one year. He also talks about the entrepreneurial change in…

Becca Francis ADHD and Agile

Becca Francis, an enterprise agile coach discusses how she turned ADHD into her superpower! Come learn some tips and tricks for bringing your best self to any situation with Agile World Wellness. Creativity, hyperfocus, resilience, spontaneity, courage and high-energy are…